Postpartum Agreement

Mile High Doulas 

Postpartum Agreement

This Postpartum Doula Agreement (the ‘Agreement’) is entered into by and between (the ‘Doula’) and Mile High Doulas. This Agreement begins on the date the Doula signs this Agreement and will continue yearly unless terminated earlier by one of the parties. 

  • Certifications and Insurance-
    • Doula must be certified or working towards certification.
    • CPR certifications must be kept current.
    • Doula must carry CM&F Liability Insurance.
  • Standards and Ethics- Doulas will follow the DONA/CAPPA Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. In addition Doulas must:
    • Show up on time.
    • Wear appropriate attire. 
    • Check in with both parents and make sure they and the infant are fully supported. 
    • Offer household support, meal prep, laundry, nursery cleaning, empty diaper pail, dishes and all bottles cleaned, and help with whatever else is necessary to set the parents up for success. 
  • Continuity of Care-
    • Doula will always leave the space better than they found it. 
    • Act as a doula, not a babysitter. 
    • Offer advice, recommendations, lactations and feeding support, and help educate parents on a healthy schedule for routines and sleep. 
    • Check in with BOTH parents on their mental health and always refer out when needed. 
    • Doula will offer evidence based support and education. If you are asked a question you do not know the answer to do not make something up. It is better to tell the parents you are not sure but that you would be happy to do research on the matter and get back to them. Reach out to your fellow doulas with any and all questions.
    • Be informed on all updates from AAP. Doulas should be educating parents on safe sleep guidelines and these MUST be followed at all times. Doula will sign off on the Safe Sleep Guidelines Agreement
      • Safe sleep surface.
      • No bed sharing.
      • Nothing in bed with the baby.
      • No inclined sleepers. (unless ok’d by a doctor)
    • Doula will not consume alcohol or smoke on the same day as scheduled for support. 
    • Doula will avoid fragrances or scented lotions.
    • Doula will disclose all medical conditions that could impact their ability to support their client. 
    • Doula will keep open communication with clients and colleagues. A written log should be kept for all duties performed overnight, diapers, feeding log, any pertinent information regarding mama or baby, and a list of duties completed. This ensures the routine will be maintained if another doula needs to step in.
  • Contracts and Scheduling- 
    • Doula must receive a signed contract and intake form before beginning work. 
    • Doula will allow two weeks of availability before an expected due date and one week after to accommodate a client in the event they deliver early or late. 
    • Doula must maintain an appropriate workload and allow for time off each week to get sleep and maintain physical and emotional health.
    • Doula should always be well rested and in good physical and mental health when supporting clients and babies. Doula’s safety and the safety of the baby are paramount. 
    • Doula will respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hrs. While we are all independent contractors we are still representing Mile High Doulas and will act accordingly and professionally. 
  • Communication-
    • Doula must maintain open communication with other group members. 
    • Doula will respond in a timely manner to any communication sent out. 
    • Doula will make an effort to be present to any and all meetings or events scheduled. 
    • Doula will share any personal concerns and constructive criticism for the betterment of Mile High Doulas. This is a safe space and will be treated as such. 
    • Doula agrees to Mile High Doulas social media policy. 
      • Doula will make every effort to represent themselves professionally across all social media accounts, personal and professional. 
      • Doula will not post any information about clients without their express consent. 
      • Doula acknowledges that we support families with various backgrounds and will act accordingly. 
      • Doula will not post negatively about care providers or policies.

By signing below, I, , acknowledge that I have read this Agreement and agree and understand that I am accepting the terms and conditions stated above to be effective as of the date signed below. 

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Signature Certificate
Document name: Postpartum Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: 073e195749b4f234d080d3663221d1aa0156a0e5
Timestamp Audit
November 9, 2024 9:00 am MDTPostpartum Agreement Uploaded by Heather Trammell - [email protected] IP